Monday, January 22, 2007


"The getfit@mit challenge is intended to encourage exercise during a time of year when the cold weather and short days make it more difficult to stay active," explains Maryanne Kirkbride, MIT's clinical director for campus life. "It's a chance for you to start making exercise a regular part of your life, a habit." In fact, of the 70 percent of getfit participants who began exercising more as a result of the 2005 challenge, almost half continued exercising at this increased level for the rest of the year, right up until the 2006 challenge began. Additionally, about a quarter of participants in each previous year have reported losing weight, reducing stress levels, and sleeping better. About 40 percent reported improvements in general mood.

I'm on the "West Wing" team. Tonight I walked on my treadmill for 15 minutes and I even ran for 3 of those minutes (I know that sounds lame, but for me it's a big deal). I have to exercise 150 minutes this week so I'm off and running. hahaha

4 comments: said...

Too bad we weren't close I'd be off and running with you! That'd be fun!

ellen said...

Do you really think you could keep up with me?!

African Kelli said...

Good for you! That is awesome. I have a great walking/running music mix. Would you like me to send it to you? Email me your address.

Swoopref said...

3 whole minutes??
Be careful you don`t hurt yourself!