Monday, June 12, 2006

You're never too old...

When I started college my parents announced that if/when I got married I could have a thousand dollars OR a reception. I always said I was sure I would score both since I was the only girl. And that was back in 1978 so isn't that more like $10,000 or maybe even $100,000 now days?

One of my friends called recently and in the course of our conversation she mentioned that her father (a widower of about two years) had asked about me...and remembered that I was attractive...and then said, "She wouldn't be interested in a seventy year old man, would she?"

I hope my parents know where their checkbook is.


Anonymous said...

so, so, funny! Yuck!

Anonymous said...

Well Ellen, in light of recent news in my family perhaps you should not count out the old codger. My 38 year old niece has accepted a marriage proposal from a 55 year old! So it may never be too late!

Doug Belliston :)