Friday, June 23, 2006

This is serious business

When we were growing up and our Dad wanted to make a point, he would say, "This is serious business."

For quite a while I have not been happy with the shape and size of my body. And that some of my clothes don't fit. I've talked about what I was going to do to change that but I always seem to want to start tomorrow. Lately I've been watching the Oprah Winfrey Show: 20th Anniversary Collection. OK, I admit I've been glued to it; I think that's called obsessed (a few nights I watched until 2:00am). Anyway, there are 6 DVDs and each one is about 3 hours . [This six-disc anniversary collection compiles the most touching, surprising and entertaining moments of Oprah's long-running show -- including interviews with the top stars of the last two decades, coverage of news events, makeovers and on-the-air stunts -- and offers a glimpse into the icon's home life and early years in television.] Since I'm a working gal, I never get to watch her show hence the interest in the anniversary collection. Last night I watched one segment on WEIGHT. She interviewed people that weighed over 500 pounds and had lost hundreds of pounds. It was amazing and inspiring. She also talked about her book: Make the Connection - Ten Steps to a Better Body and a Better Life. She shared 4 suggestions. (1) eat breakfast, (2) have a cut-off time when you stop eating, (3) redistribute calories (eat a big breakfast and smaller lunch and smaller dinner), and (4) make healthy food choices.

So instead of starting tomorrow, I started last night. I didn't eat dessert at my book club (even though I took blueberry cake). And, for the first time EVER, tonight I walked on my treadmill for 30 minutes (I've only walked for 20 minutes in the past).

My plan is to try to exercise 30 minutes every day, not eat after 9:00pm ("not even a grape" as Oprah says), and try to be a healthier eater. Wish me luck.

This is serious business!

1 comment:

anna said...

Ellen, I am not sure how the #4: have dessert parties on your summer to-do list and the eat healthier plan work together. Maybe you should have fruit parties instead of dessert. Good luck though. I know you can do it.