Monday, June 26, 2006

One stamp

I love to mail letters and articles and pictures and notes. In envelopes with a stamp in the upper right corner. Real mail. Every now and then people ask me how much I spend a month on stamps. I'm not sure but if I had to guess I'd say I mail at least 100 things a month. So I guess that would be $39.00. I always have a stash of stamps (post card stamps, air mail stamps and stamps for extra heavy letters). I usually buy 100 stamps at a time. I like being prepared.

Today I went to the Post Office to mail a package. While I was there I stocked up on stamps. I turned to walk out the door and the gal behind me in line went up to the counter and said, "I'd like to buy one stamp."

One stamp?!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dare I say it. Sounds like Grm. is alive and well--sending clippings through the mail. I'm glad you are keeping the tradition alive!