Sunday, March 17, 2013

Sharing lunches

We had some extra lunches from our Visiting Teaching Conference today and I didn't want to give them out because I didn't want people leaving a mess and OK, maybe I was the lunch nazi.  I grabbed a bunch with the intention of sharing them with some specific people.  After church I headed over to visit a woman in the ward who is recovering from surgery and starting chemo this week (and to take her two lunches).  As I got close to a busy intersection I noticed a man with a sign asking for money and I reached into my bag to grab some lunches for him.  The light turned red and he was right there.  I rolled down my window and yelled, "Hey, we just had a lunch at our church and I want to share these with you.  The chicken sandwiches are great!"  He happily took the two lunches from me and thanked me a few times.  That added to my great Sunday.

1 comment:

LL said...

This made me smile because I can just hear your voice, yelling HEY to the guy on the street. You're the BEST!