Six months ago our local church leaders challenged us to get two weeks of food, water, and money by this weekend along with important paperwork we would need in case of an emergency. Confession: I was shopping at BJ's, Target, and the grocery store
Mormons are big into food storage. For years we have been encouraged to have a supply of food and necessary items. We had 1800 pounds of wheat in our garage back in the day (that meant each of us would have had 300 pounds of wheat to eat in a year). It's important to store what you will eat so I've put quite a bit of thought into this and had some help/encouragement from a friend who is a food storage super star.
I live in an converted school and my unit was part of the auditorium. I've got this great crawl space underneath my condo (you can see where they removed the auditorium seats!). And in my crawl space I have some shelves for my food storage. I just put all my things away (I still have some water in my car that I can't lift by myself) and I'm pretty pleased with what I have. I should have plenty to eat/drink in case there is an emergency.
I still need to get my paperwork together and get more water. And I want to create a spreadsheet so I can keep track of what I have. But I'm close and am feeling more prepared that ever!

Please pass the vienna sausages!