Tuesday, January 02, 2007

more organizing and chocolate chips

I'm organizing everything in sight. Well, not really, but tonight I cleaned out some drawers filled with old patterns, old fabric, and old craft crap and put new fabric, new patterns, and new craft crap in its place. And, I sorted my red pie holder fabric stash shelves. I found the pie shelf at an antique shop in Maine and fell in love with it the minute I saw it. Red...Maine...what's not to love?! I'm planning to start my next quilt soon.

Tonight my friend Kristen gave me my first installment of chocolate chips for blogging every day for a month! I'm going to make chocolate chip cookies and will take some to work. My coworkers don't know that I'm a baking fool...they will soon though...

And, one more thing. Why would you ever pay full price for a calendar? They are always half price on January 2nd. I bought two tonight at the MIT Coop on my way home.

Happy Happy New Year!


Swoopref said...

Lucky you... how did you get Katy?

ellen said...


African Kelli said...

Oooh, look at all that pretty red fabric! And that is just one color of your stash! WOW!