Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Dining with the Nerd Herd

I organized a lunch today for the LDS/Arlington Ward/MIT students and workers. There were 8 of us there (including baby Grant) and it was VERY fun! We sat in the student center and chatted. I had a little trouble following some of the conversations among the five Ph.D. candidates but didn't feel too bad since one of the group said this when I sent the email about lunch: All it took was a non-engineering type to bring all of us together.

I hope we can meet every few weeks. Long live the Nerd Herd!

1 comment:

Tadd said...

Thanks for coming to get me today. I surely would have forgotten and then felt bad about it! The funny thing was that it was written on my calendar. I had fun...too bad there weren't enough cookies for everybody. Next time I will bring more, if I can remember, and my camera.