Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Happy Halloween!

We have hundreds of photos from our childhood but none of us in Halloween costumes.  I love this one of my cute little brothers.  #throwbackwednesday #pattonmemories


Rose Jorgensen said...

I just found your blog, and love it! I read your inspirational segullah posts as well. I wish they still had their segullah magazines in print. Anyway, you truly are an inspiration, and so glad I can now say, "oh yeah, I know her!" I know holidays get busy, but hope to see you again soon!


Pakistani Salwar Kameez said...
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moshrabbi121 said...
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Pakistani Suits said...

ou truly is an inspiration, and so glad I can now say

etfdl_sa said...

شركة وحدة المشاريع لكشف تسربات المياه مع
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