Sunday, January 14, 2018

Red trash can

When I bought my condo 12 1/2 years ago I splurged and bought myself this trash can. My niece was in town helping me get settled in and I remember Adrienne telling me that her mom would “never spend $50 on a trash can.” I’ve noticed the last few days the pedal wasn’t working right so I turned it upside down to see what I could do to fix it. I couldn’t see anything but when I went to put it back in its place I saw a screw on the floor. I turned it upside down again, got a screwdriver and now it works just fine. I sprayed it down with window cleaner and it is practically brand new. If/when I update my kitchen this year I might update my trash can but honestly I might not need to. And you know how I feel about antiques. #epcondo2018 #epfixingstuff

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