Sunday, December 04, 2016

The Mumfords

I was sitting in Central Park reading the NYT when a missionary couple walked by.  He greeted me and wished me a good day.  As they passed I thought I needed to talk to them so I called out "are you missionaries at the Temple?"  They came back and talked to me and they were Temple missionaries though assigned to a ward in Queens where they teach the youth Sunday School class (they were on their way home from church).  They are from Clifton, Idaho (a very VERY small town not far from Logan, UT) and have been in New York City about 9 months.  We talked for a few minutes and they went on their way.  About 10 minutes later I looked up and they were standing in front of me and he said, "we'd like to share a meal with you; will you join us at our apartment?"  I was so touched by their kindness and invitation.  It was cool to see one of the apartments right next to the Temple.  It was really fun visiting with them.  We enjoyed a lovely meal and wonderful conversation and I have some new friends!  I hope to see them again in NYC!

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