Saturday, July 09, 2011

Good day gone bad

We were just a few blocks from Plymouth Rock (it's the size of a baked potato--I was very disappointed the first time I saw it), stopped in traffic when we were hit from behind FOUR times. I hit the car in front of me and they hit the car in front of them. It felt like a humvee was ramming into us (but 4 times?!?) or a UFO/alien. It was totally CRAZY. Diana was rattled and sore and her head hurt so she went to the hospital in an ambulance. I was worried my car was undriveable but one of the policemen thought the loud noise was the heat shield (am I driving Apollo 13?) and it IS noisy, but driveable. We were hit so hard my CDs and money and spare key (kept in compartments above the gear shift) ended up down by my feet.

I told the EMTs that Diana had never seen Plymouth Rock and asked if they could drive the ambulance by on the way to the hospital so she could see it. Other than saying no to my request, the policemen, firefighters, and EMTs were very nice and helpful.


jksfam said...

Not good! I hope Diana is OK and that you are, too!!! We had a similar wreck. We were the middle of 7 cars, the 7th car caused a chain reaction where we got hit and then hit the one in front of us, but not 4 times. Our 6 month old minivan was totalled. I'd rather get a new one than get it fixed when it's so bad, anyway! I hope your car isn't too bad!

jw said...

Zoinks! That's awful. I do hope that you and Diana and your car will all come out of this with nary a dent or scratch.

But... CDs? Really? I remember CDs: I think we listened to CDs back when we wore thongs to the beach (on our feet, of course), and then used creme rinse after our shampoo.

The next new car I get will not have a CD player, but a holographic entertainment system (because, clearly, I won't be buying a new car until the year 2200).

Alecia Williams said...

QP! That is terrifying. I am so sorry to hear about this accident. That must have been terrifying! I hope your friend is okay. I am so relieved to hear that you are okay. BIG hugs!,

LL said...

poor silver belle!
I'm glad you're ok--so scary.

LL said...
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Smilin' sunshine said...

I can't believe the ambulance wouldn't swing by the rock on their way to the hospital!! RUDE!

Hope you all are ok!

laree ulynn said...


Unknown said...

I'm glad you tried to request a Plymouth Rock drive-by.
You know how to treat accident victims with the utmost courtesy.

life in red shoes said...

Oh my goodness, glad you're ok?

Swoopref said...

Backboard & collared?

Melanie said...

Glad you're ok. That stinks about your car though.

Becky said...

WOw! I'm so sorry. Glad you are okay!

Sweetpea said...

YIKES! I hope you're all okay! I had an accident back in October, hit from behind once and hit the car in front of me. It was horrible and I couldn't believe how much I hurt. I hope you are doing okay.