Friday, August 24, 2007

Friday night babysitting

I babysat my friends' 5 kids tonight while they went to the Temple. I offered when he helped me with my computer problems and was glad it worked out tonight. Their kids are great and low maintenance. We watched "The Princess Diaries 2". The oldest dozed and the baby slept until about 10 minutes before they got home so it was really like babysitting 3 kids! The next-to-the-youngest made this cute card for me. Nice!


Melanie said...

I love The Princess Diaries. I saw Part 2 in the Boston Common Movie Theater, and I am not ashamed to admit it. The part with the closet is awesome, and I cried when Julie Andrews sang.

The card is sweet; is it going up in the kitchen??

Wendster said...

See? You AREN'T the worst babysitter in the Universe (see, I click on hyperlinks!) I'd let you babysit my kids any day. But you would never come back for a second stint ... babysitting Tristan is a major operation when he's out of sorts!