Monday, February 18, 2008

A grand tablecloth

My friends the LaPierres have the coolest tablecloth ever. I'm not sure how many years ago they started (how many, Dottie?!) but when they have guests over (and they have a lot of guests over) they ask them to sign the tablecloth and then within hours/days Dottie embroiders the name on the tablecloth. It's one of the coolest traditions ever. Why didn't I start one?

Dottie came up to me on Sunday and whispered that they had their one thousandth name on their tablecloth! They have it all blocked off into quadrants on a spreadsheet so they can keep track!

Here is a picture I took of the tablecloth in May of last year. Do you see your name?!?


jksfam said...

I don't see my name but it is on there somewhere! I always loved that tradition and thought about starting it. Problem is, there wouldn't be very many names on it! I'm a bad hostess...

Unknown said...

My name is very small in a corner somewhere....

Very cool tradition.

jw said...

Woohoo! I can see my name on there! Seeing as how my area of influence is continually shrinking (considering that my work is getting so hyper-specialized that even Kate gets bored when I talk about it), it's nice to see my name will remain a part of at least one good thing.

amydear said...

Mine's there somewhere! Love the LaPierres and their very unique Sunday dinner. 1000 names is AWESOME. said...

I see my whole families name on there! YEA! It's the coolest tradition ever. We started one but probably only have like 20 names on there and will never amount to 1000 I'm sure. But Ellen you need to come and sign it.

Jim and Lisa said...

I like that the table cloth is broken up in to quadrants and that there's a spreadsheet that keeps track of the dad is truly an engineer!!

SD and EJ said...

I didn't see my name, but I know I've signed that tablecloth! (I'm Melanie Hunsaker's sister).

Melanie said...

I don't see our names in the picture, but I know we're on the tablecloth somewhere. What a great tradition... I love the LaPierres!

Swoopref said...

Proud to be in that number!

Drewmeister said...

I'm one of the more recent editions--such a cool tradition!

laree ulynn said...

woohoo! the good 'ol table clothe got on the blog! i'm sure i'm on there somewhere, but my mom refused to embroider my name. apparently eating there every night doesn't count.

Anonymous said...

My children are just too special to be put on a tablecloth. They've left their permanent mark elsewhere in our home and hearts. (sorry about hte cheese)

rebecca said...

somehow I missed this post. Allison mentioned it at our dinner party last night, so I had to find it this a.m. I love the LaP tablecloth. Our names are on there somewhere too. When Allison said that Dottie had photographed the whole thing I thought it was to duplicate it for all of her kids...something I would not put past Dottie. She's a super woman for sure! I'm glad to be her friend.

Anonymous said...

uh, Lis,
My idea - not the engineer's - at least, this time!