Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Spring Friendship Week

A few years ago my friend Rachel told me about an activity their ward does (in Austin) -- Friendship Week (during the week of Valentine's Day). Valentine's Day was passed when she told me about it so I made up "Spring Friendship Week" for our ward and it was really really fun! You have people sign up and then you give anonymously to a person/family for one week and someone gives to you (so only those who sign up give and receive things). This is the first time I've participated since I felt dumb as the Activities Chair to assign someone to give to ME.

I have some nice secret friends!! Monday night I got a book (I love to read). Tuesday night I got some spices (I love to bake). Tonight I got some stamps (I love to write letters). I wonder what I'll get next...I love to travel, drive fancy cars, and wear fur coats. Just kidding.

I'm so happy to be receiving thoughtful gifts from my secret friends.

P.S. I would be remiss if I didn't mention the "Spring Friendship Week" scavenger hunt two years ago. A package was left on a park bench that had "OPEN BY 'BARTHOLOMEW' FAMILY ONLY" written on it which caused quite the trucks, police cars, yellow tape, streets blocked, bomb squads, articles in newspapers, etc.


Swoopref said...

Bomb Squad redirecting the MBTA... The Arlington Ward has been said to be less shockable than most.

gigi said...

Great fun activity! We need something like that around here!

I did teach R/S how to make apple dumplings last night and burnt my hand! What a joke I am.

Amy said...

This is our family's first time doing the Spring Friendship week too and we are having a lot of fun!
Glad you got it started!

rebecca said...

Whenever I think of friendship week I think of "the package." That was hilarious!